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Uptime Subscriptions
Can I get a refund on my Uptime subscription?
Can I get a refund on my Uptime subscription?
Sabina Khalid avatar
Written by Sabina Khalid
Updated over a week ago

Purchase made on the iOS or Android App

If you purchased your subscription via the Google Play or Apple App Store, please use the links below to request a refund.

Premium Subscriptions are subject to the refund policies of the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. This means Uptime cannot grant refunds, and you will have to contact your App Store support if you wish to pursue any type of refund.

Purchase made through the Uptime website

We do not provide refunds or credits for any subscriptions or partially used Premium Subscriptions purchased through Uptime. If you cancel the auto-renew on your subscription, you will still be able to use your Premium subscription until the end of your billing cycle. For any questions, please get in touch with us at

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